secret smiley faces on facebook

All The Smiley Faces | Facebook.
Penguin facebook emoticon | Facebook smileys and emoticons.
"makes a funny smiley face"," how do you do that","its a secret","i.
Love Emoticons, Smileys and Quotes - Facebook Symbols And Chat.
Facebook Chat Tips Tricks Hacks Emoticons | Funny Status Updates.
Dec 22, 2012. Facebook is the ultimate social tool and with it comes the need to express ourselves beyond text. That's where smileys (emoticons) come into.
There are a few Facebook emoticons that JUST came out and we've got the codes for them! You won't find these emoticons just anywhere, but you will get the .
Come and visit us on our Facebook page, like us and share some smiley stories. ... in all popular browsers so all of your friends can enjoy these secret smileys

Its ian hecox, he made an episode of ian is bored titled "my facebook secret" where he says he paid facebook $60,000 to put his face on.
Οδός ΓÎλιου - Facebook Emoticons List as of 3/5/12:. | Facebook.
Who is that smiley icon on facebook chat called :putnam:? - Yahoo.
Facebook Smiley Chat Codes - Google+.
Facebook Symbols And Chat Emoticons: Facebook Smiley Faces.
[[333708903307152]] - Smiley Face Smirking. [[208551699231052]] - Smiley Face Mysterious. [[291564294222770]] - Facebook Empty Profile Picture.
cute and cool smiley and faces for facebook chat.. Best Secret Facebook Emoticons here i am going to share some of the best secret emoticons with you so.