whats am stand for
What does a.m. and p.m. stand for? ? - Yahoo! Answers.
AM - What does AM stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by the.
What does AM and PM stand for - Ask Community.
whats am stand for
what do pm and am stand for?????? | Facebook.Why did they call it a.m. And p.m. ? What do they stand for. - Ask.com.
Acronym, Definition. AM, Amplitude Modulation. AM.
What does the am or pm stand for when telling time? I know that the.
AM” stands for the Latin phrase Ante Meridiem —which means “before noon”— and “PM” stands for Post Meridiem : “after noon.” Although digital.
what does am and pm stand for on a clock - Ask.com.
Acronym, Definition. AM, Amplitude Modulation. AM.
"AM” stands for the Latin phrase Ante Meridiem —which means “before noon”— and “PM” stands for Post Meridiem : “after noon.".
A.M. abbreviation ante meridiem P.M. abbreviation post meridiem. Main Entry: an ·te me·ri·di·em. Pronunciation: "an-ti-m&-'ri-dE-&m, -dE-"em.
Although a lot of people think they stand for 'ante-meridian' and 'post-meridian', in fact Rangana is right, and they stand for 'ante-meridiem' and.
A.M. is an abbreviation for Ante Meridian, which means before noon. Other abbreviations for AM are: Aaron Marshal, Access Method, Acknowledgment Message.
Hi, I'm just curious to know what "Can-Am" actually stands for? Any stories behind how BRP came up with the name? Cheers.
whats am stand for
What does AM/FM stand for? - Fun Trivia.AM stands for the Latin phrase Ante Meridiem —which means “before noon”— and PM stands for Post Meridiem : “after noon.”.
Jan 6, 2013. Am stands for Ante Meridiem which means "before noon" and PM stands for "post Meridiem" which means before noon . Helpful (7) Fun.
AM stands for ante meridiem, which is Latin for before noon. It can also stand for Application Manager, Amplitude Modulation or Award of Merit.read more free on.