whats am stand for

What does a.m. and p.m. stand for? ? - Yahoo! Answers.
AM - What does AM stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by the.
What does AM and PM stand for - Ask Community.
whats am stand for
what do pm and am stand for?????? | Facebook.Why did they call it a.m. And p.m. ? What do they stand for. - Ask.com.
Acronym, Definition. AM, Amplitude Modulation. AM.
What does the am or pm stand for when telling time? I know that the.
AM” stands for the Latin phrase Ante Meridiem —which means “before noon”— and “PM” stands for Post Meridiem : “after noon.” Although digital.
what does am and pm stand for on a clock - Ask.com.
Acronym, Definition. AM, Amplitude Modulation. AM.
"AM” stands for the Latin phrase Ante Meridiem —which means “before noon”— and “PM” stands for Post Meridiem : “after noon.".
A.M. abbreviation ante meridiem P.M. abbreviation post meridiem. Main Entry: an ·te me·ri·di·em. Pronunciation: "an-ti-m&-'ri-dE-&m, -dE-"em.
Although a lot of people think they stand for 'ante-meridian' and 'post-meridian', in fact Rangana is right, and they stand for 'ante-meridiem' and.
A.M. is an abbreviation for Ante Meridian, which means before noon. Other abbreviations for AM are: Aaron Marshal, Access Method, Acknowledgment Message.
Hi, I'm just curious to know what "Can-Am" actually stands for? Any stories behind how BRP came up with the name? Cheers.
whats am stand for
What does AM/FM stand for? - Fun Trivia.AM stands for the Latin phrase Ante Meridiem —which means “before noon”— and PM stands for Post Meridiem : “after noon.”.
Jan 6, 2013. Am stands for Ante Meridiem which means "before noon" and PM stands for "post Meridiem" which means before noon

AM stands for ante meridiem, which is Latin for before noon. It can also stand for Application Manager, Amplitude Modulation or Award of Merit.read more free on.